Results of the test site survey

A user survey was conducted on the newly opened test site from 25 April to 16 June 2024. This survey was conducted by aproxima GmbH, Weimar.

1200 people took part in our test site survey, thank you very much. We interviewed over 500 people on site in person and over 600 took part in the survey online.

Here we present some interesting highlights of our test site survey.
The full evaluation report in German can be read and downloaded here.

10 key learnings from the survey

What are the ‘superpowers’ of the test site?

  1. The test site is lively and convincingly presents the vision of the Radbahn Berlin, as shown by over 80 per cent of the participants giving top ratings in all key attitudinal questions about the test site and the Radbahn.
  2. The test site gives cyclists in particular new idea of how safe and appreciative cycling in Berlin can be. This is evidenced by above-average ratings from cyclists.
  3. It is difficult to single out individual offers from the test site. Users rated most aspects positively. They liked the redesign of the site as a whole and the facilities for cyclists the most.
  4. The majority of users see positive effects for all stakeholder groups - both from the test site and from the entire Radbahn Berlin. Cyclists are particularly emphasised, as are residents, pedestrians and traders in the surrounding area.
  5. The test site has whetted the appetite for more change. Almost all users would visit the test site again and recommend it to others, and they would like to see other redesign measures in a similar form.

What are the biggest ‘Achilles’ heels’ of the test site?

  1. The aim of creating facilities for cyclists and pedestrians on the space available under the elevated railway viaduct led to conflicts in the view of some more critical voices. As in ‘traditional’ road traffic, the two modes of transport occasionally get in each other's way. And even if only a minority of respondents said so, this could become an Achilles heel for the Radbahn.
  2. Especially for supporters of a fast cycle route, the facilities for lingering and for pedestrians are an obstacle. It must therefore be clarified to what extent the Radbahn should be a route for fast cycling or a social space for more leisurely movement, but with a recreational and meeting point function.
  3. On the one hand, the greening was well received, also due to its unsealing effect for the city. On the other hand, however, there were critical voices that did not believe it could survive in the long term.
  4. It is plausible that local residents are somewhat more sceptical about the test site and the Radbahn overall. This group includes a broad spectrum of the population, whereas the users are presumably mainly people who are open-minded towards such projects.
  5. The group that is most critical of the test site and the Radbahn in general are people aged 65 and over. They are the least represented age group among the users who participated the survey However, the Radbahn could offer them a safe area to get around the city.

We would like to thank all participants and supporters for their opinions and valuable contributions. We now hope that we can plan the next phase of the cycle lane together with you in the future.

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