Route Transfer Potential

Basierend auf Daten des Fahrrad-Navigations-App-Anbieters Bike Citizens

Many Berliners already commute to work on bikes. Although there is no current traffic census data available, there has been a noticeable and significant increase in cyclists since the last census in 2013.

The data provided by our partner Bike Citizens is based on around 50,000 recorded bike trips totaling over 300,000 kilometers. The data was gathered between 1 March – 31 October 2016 and 21 February – 2 April 2017. This study does not claim to be representative of the entire population of Berlin, however our evaluation still provides a valuable insight into the mobility patterns of cyclists in Berlin. Our research could be supplemented by the senate’s bicycle counting devices (e.g. on the Oberbaumbrücke and at Yorckstraße) in order to get a better idea of the exact numbers along this route.


If we look at the longer east-west routes that Berlin’s cyclists are currently using, it’s clear that there are only a few alternatives to the Radbahn (shown in white). There are no parallel routes nearby, there is only Gneisenaustraße much further south, or the Oranien Straße – Rudi-Dutschke-Straße – Kochstraße connection further north. The people who already ride along the Radbahn route do it out of necessity – not because the route currently works well as a bike path. For instance, near Gleisdreieck station it’s clear that structural changes are required, so that cyclists can pass safely and easily through the intersection.

Comparison of Travel Times

According to the current Bike Citizens route planner, the route from the Zoologischer Garten train station to the Oberbaumbrücke is 9.9 km. At an estimated average speed of 15.3 km/h, the trip would take 38.8 minutes. By comparison, on the Radbahn cyclists would reach their destination faster and more directly, thanks to the ideal cycling surface and the direct route that does away with zigzagging and numerous stops, and features fewer intersections and traffic lights. Our route is 0.8 km shorter and would enable cyclists to travel at an average speed of 20 km/h, so they could complete the journey in just 27.3 minutes (11 minutes faster than the alternative). Commuters traveling back and forth along the Radbahn would save a total of 23 minutes each day.

Route Transfer Potential

Bike Citizens assumes that if the Radbahn is built, many cyclists would opt for the bicycle highway over their current routes. It is also clear that the realization of our route will generate an important intersection at Gleisdreieck for Berlin’s cycling network.